mercoledì 19 marzo 2008


Spring is a great time for growing your own vegetables!

Artichokes with topping (carciofi con il ripieno)
clean the outside hard leaves and put the soft fruits in water with lemon drops
cut the artichokes on the top taking out the central part, using the knife move it around forming a cone shape
fill the hole with:
crumbed bread, mixed with milk, grated cheese, egg, the soft part of artichokes, salt, pepper, nutmeg, and mint- mix it and shape it in round balls, fill in the artichokes
warm the oil, put the artichokes and mix them on all sides, to bleach out and stop the oxidation
add sliced onion, mix and add a half glass of water, cover and cook on low flame
ready in 20 minutes or more (I like it more crounchy)

Have you tried the fried artichokes? just prepare a mix of flour and mineral water (it works as leavening) drop the artichoke quarters in the pastel and fry in olive oil on high flame
if you want to make a tempura, slice them to stripes, and fry them the same.

As for me, especially if you grow your own, fresh and untreated artichokes, the raw salad is a must!
slice the artichokes to slim stripes and put them in lemon and oil , add parmizan cheese sliced,
salt, cut the stems too, add seasonings as you like, and it is ready!

Next time, I will talk on fava beans, the coming fruit of the season: fave beans, ewe's cheese and red wine!

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