venerdì 9 dicembre 2022

Planetary Health / Nova Network

Planetary Health Alliance
665 Huntington Ave, Building 1 Rm 1312
Boston, MA 02115

Nova Campfire discussion! Please join us Wednesday May 24 2023 at 11 am EDT (5 pm CET/3 pm GMT/8 am PDT) for our wonderful discussion on “Connected Consciousness for Planetary Health.”

This exciting collaboration between the Nova Institute for Health, Planetary Health Alliance, and Garrison Institute answers the growing call for spiritual perspectives and intentional relationships with ourselves, others, and the natural world in addressing the many grand challenges of the Anthropocene.

Our transdisciplinary panel of speakers will weave narrative threads of change, including Indigenous perspectives of connected consciousness and evidence of the personal and collective benefits of promoting inner development over purely materialistic goals, including healthier, happier, prosocial communities with more mutualistic attitudes to nature. We will also explore the importance of creativity and connectivity in building social movements that foster deeper alignment of individual and collective purpose.

Topics and panelists include:

  • Cultivating mutualistic worldviews and prosocial behaviors for personal and planetary health with Susan Prescott, Director of the Nova Network

  • Remembering our inherent connectedness and universal Indigeneity to Mother Earth with Rutendo Ngara, African Indigenous Knowledge Systems practitioner

  • Nurturing inner development for sustainability with Christine Wamsler of Lund University

  • Can we nurture more altruistic societies? Promoting communal goals with loving-kindness meditation with Una Tellhed of Lund University

  • Strategies for mindful movement-building: Taking social innovation to scale through connectivity with Sonali Sangeeta Balajee of Our Bodhi Project

  • Putting storytelling into action for people, places, and planet: An example of the power and reach of co-creating narratives for positive change at COP27 with Cecilia Mañosa Nyblon of University of Exeter Medical School

  • Pathways to planetary health: Connecting “islands of coherence” in the sea of chaos with Stephen Posner of the Garrison Institute

  • The Constellation Project: Weaving new stories and emergent ways of being for a new era of planetary consciousness with Samuel Myers of the Planetary Health Alliance and Terry Tempest Williams of the Harvard Divinity School

Registration is now open here!

The Nova Network is a transdisciplinary global community providing evidence, inspiration, and advocacy for the health and flourishing of all people, places, and planet.​
mission is to transform the health of individuals, communities, and the planet through deeper understanding of the interdependence of all systems and by promoting awareness, attitudes, and actions required for meaningful, collaborative change
The Nova Network is an initiative of the Nova Institute for Health and welcomes anyone trying to make a difference in the world—including researchers, creatives, advocates, community organizers, educators, clinicians, policymakers, and young people, across the arts and sciences—to co-create a culture of belonging for meaningful progress. 
The Nova Institute for Health is a heart-centered think tank that takes action for the good of people, places, and the planet. 
  • create new opportunities for collaborative discourse, ideas, and action—to engage rich expertise, integrate research, encourage diverse perspectives, and nurture relationships for creative solutions.
  • Our events include international conferences, virtual “campfire” discussion forums, and in-person workshops, retreats, and other events.
  • We have ongoing real-time engagement and dynamic interaction on the Nova Integration Hub, the Nova Institute’s web-based forum (to be launched in November 2022) that provides a platform for knowledge sharing, nourishing activities, and mentoring connections for early career researchers. 
Through these diverse activities, we seek to promote awareness, identify solutions, and inspire creativity, connectivity, and purpose
Our agenda underscores the imperative for creative ecological solutions for the challenges we face in all systems and all scales with advancing global urbanization in the digital age–for personal, environmental, economic, social and spiritual health alike. We bought together diverse perspectives from across many dimensions of the arts and the sciences, as we explore novel solutions and new normative values.
We seek to normalize and place greater value on wisdom, empathy, kindness, hope, love, creativity, and respect—the deeper values that unite, empower, and refocus priorities of individuals and groups towards shared solutions.

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