Virginia Hand Callaway (1900 - 1995), co-founder of Callaway Gardens, understood the delicate relationship between man and the natural world. Today, her legacy continues at the facility which bears her name.

Nestled in the woodlands on the edge of Mountain Creek Lake, the design of this unique 35,000-square-foot facility actually includes several facilities in one, all devoted to enhancing the harmony between man and earth.
Centinaia di specie di piante locali sono state salvate grazie all'interessamento di poche persone illuminate, tra questi un fotografo italiano del 1800 espatriato in Georgia, e grazie alle attività di vari Dipartimenti Universitari insieme alla Fondazione Callaway.
Uno dei progetti in corso è il ripopolamento del castagno americano, attraverso la selezione ed il miglioramento genetico tramite breeding e l'introduzione di geni di resistenza. Raccontarlo oggi non fa impressione, ma qualche anno fa in Europa i progetti di miglioramento delle piante arboree non venivano finanziati perchè le piante impiegano troppi anni a crescere.
American Chestnut Seed Orchard
The American chestnut was once one of the most important trees in forests from Maine to Georgia. In 1904 the chestnut blight, an Asian fungus which is very lethal to our native chestnuts, began aggressively killing trees. During the next 50 years, the American chestnut trees on million of acres across the Eastern U.S. perished. The American Chestnut Foundation is committed to finding, breeding and growing trees resistant to the blight then restoring this important species to eastern forests. The Preserve at Callaway Gardens is working in partnership with The Georgia Chapter of The American Chestnut Society on developing blight resistant trees.

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