Taste isn't just for taste buds anymore - F1000 Biology Reports - F1000
In un post precedente si parlava dei 5 differenti tipi di gusto e delle cellule sensoriali dei 5 gusti sulla lingua. In questo articolo si spiega perchè i recettori del gusto sian oespressi anche sulla trachea e sull'intestino e che funzioni possano svolgere nel contesto di un diverso sistema chemosensoriale.
The widespread expression of elements of the “taste” transduction cascade in numerous tissues of the body points out the necessity for caution in attributing a physiological function to a system based solely on expression of a gene product. Activation of taste receptors in taste buds does not give rise to the same sensation as activation of the identical receptors in the airways or gut. The physiological function of a receptor, or a Trp channel, or a G-protein, makes sense only in the context in which it is expressed.
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