Formaggio di Oloumouc e Brus fatto in casa
The month of June is full of celebrations of ancient origin, with roots in the religion (of what-so-ever kind, catholic, protestant, hussite, or pre-roman)
The past sunday was St. Louis, today is St. John (the longest day in the year) according to what the Baptist said: I must pass and become low, so that you can reach your highest level)
In Italy the S. Giovanni day brings certain traditions, as the collection of walnuts to make a liquer, Nocino, and the night of S. Giovanni the witches (čarodeinice) dance under the walnut trees. Johann, Jan in czech, is called by friends "Honza".
Next sunday will be Saint Peter and Paul, a great festivity especially in countries where Paolo-Pablo-Pavel, and Pietro-Pedro-Petr/Peta, are common names.
In the Olomouc region, the town of Loštice will celebrate one of the most famous cheese food:
Tvaruzky -

As A child, my mother's favorite cheese was "Olomoucky Sirečky - Staré sirečky", the "aged cheesy sticks and round flat disks". They stink and have a strong taste, but with a good rye bread, butter and a bottle of beer - nothing better.
There will be a great celebration the next weekend. The cheese factory, the beer factory and the local restaurant and muzeum will be open.POD LOŠTICKÝM NEBEM 2008 / Under the sky in Loštice
13. loštické slavnosti hudby a tvarůžků se uskuteční ve dnech 27. – 29. června 2008. Podrobný program/ misc program and cheese will be active from 27 to 29 june, the details are on :
Ricetta del Brus (cachaille) fatto in casa: fermentazione con lieviti e batteri lattici
Hermelín o Camembert (4-5 fette)
5 spicchi d'aglio , schiacciati
15 bacche di ginepro, schiacciate
1 tsp timo
1 tsp rosmarino
1/2 tsp paprika
pepe macinato
1 foglia di alloro, sminuzzata
Tabasco o hot chili pepper
Per il brus fatto con la ricotta, basta mettere al posto
dell'olio la birra, o la weiss o la birra scura, qualche pezzetto di pane vecchio, sale,
lasciare a riposare (fermentare) in un posto fresco per 3 giorni e conservare al fresco
ci sono tanti modi di preparare formaggi cremosi da
spalmare, aggiungendo di volta in volta paprika, aglio o cipollina sminuzzata,
sale qb, cumino macinato, e lasciando riposare per 3 giorni...
Caprini, o resti di formaggi stagionati, mettere in un boccale con olio erbe di
provenza, pepe ,peperoncino...
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