mercoledì 4 giugno 2008

casa e giardino, giugno

Ciliegie, in maturazione /cherries, ripening

alchechengi /strawberry tomato, winter-cherry

restauro dei soffitti /this year- repair of the ceilings

nuova cucina /new kitchen

Last year, talking with a EU officer from Flanders, we discussed the increased costs of life, and the overwhelming difference between poor and rich people, with increasing number of middle class families that becomed more close to the poverty threshold. The euro doubled the costs of everything.
I think after the payment of the repairs in our house I am going in this direction...
Fortunately, we used payment by instalment, so we will become poorer month by month....

se è vero che il divario tra poveri e ricchi aumenta di anno in anno, anche in Europa, mi avvicino rapidamente alla prima categoria, mese dopo mese a pagare le rate delle spese sostenute.

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